24 Jan 2020

24 Jan 2020
Builders Care works with businesses and individuals to identify and assist members of the community whose home repair or maintenance projects are beyond the homeowners’ resources to complete.
Northeast Florida Builders Association
“Our partnership with Stellar Energy reflects the typical situation we face when we receive a call for help,” said Justin Brown, Builders Care executive director. “Wheelchair ramps and roof repairs are perhaps our most frequently requested service, but for us each project can vary from a few hours work to several days.”
These projects are a representation of the people we serve:
• A veteran injured during Operation Desert Storm was living in a home that had been partially restored, but the project was abandoned before it was finished. The assessment of the home revealed a small section of the roof had water leakage over the pantry. The pantry itself had water damage in the wall and ceiling. All existing paneling and insulation needed to be removed, mold treatment applied, and new sheetrock installed and painted. The kitchen floor needed to be replaced with vinyl tile. The kitchen wall and ceiling sheetrock needed to be finished and painted.
• A caller’s brother and 20-month-old son are both confined to a wheelchair. The son is paralyzed. An existing ramp needed to be replaced due to severe weather damage and rot. The 20-month-old child requires an oxygen tank, which is attached to the wheelchair. The ramp needed to be widened and relocated to the driveway.
• Two elderly women both needed assistance with wheelchair ramps. One woman simply needed a replacement ramp. Hers had rotted out and planks were missing, and it presented a risk every time she used it. The other woman had recently been widowed, was 90 percent disabled and dependent on oxygen.
Stellar Energy supports Builders Care by providing highly skilled labor to build wheelchair ramps and hand rails for elderly and disabled residents in need. The ramps are constructed in the company’s fabrication facility and then transported and installed to provide residents safe access to and from their homes.
“We work with a limited budget, and Builders Care can usually accomplish two ramps a month, along with four roof repairs,” Brown said. “This partnership with Stellar Energy has substantially increased our ability to respond.”
For information about how you or your company can partner with Builders Care to help provide safe, healthy housing for Jacksonville’s most vulnerable residents, call (904) 727-3443, or visit online at builderscare.org.
Providence Homes
Wells Fargo
Eagle View Windows & Doors
McAneny Builders
MasterCraft Builder Group
Wood Development
Miranda Contracting
Matovina & Co.
New Leaf Construction
LGI Homes
Chet & Sarah Skinner
Synovus Bank
First Coast Supply
Lendry Homes
Davidson Realty
LP Building Products
Doug Wenzel
Hillcrest Title & Trust
Polished Properties
Cornerstone Home Lending
John Owen, Movement Mortgage
Aurora Custom Homes
The Cole Slate Team at EXIT Real Estate Gallery
Pro-Tile & Marble
Corner Lot Properties
TD Bank
Beson4 Media Group
Ian MacDonald, Regions Mortgage
84 Lumber
Pillar Construction
Judith Sisler Johnston
The Silverfield Group
Garmon Trucking
CornerStone Homes Realty
CC Underwood, Sellin’ with CC Team
SG Jones International
Judith Sisler Johnson
The Silverfield Group
Garmon Trucking
CornerStone Homes Realty